使用 python 创建软件仿真测试平台:



测试设计的 MAC(乘法和累加)单元。

自动化测试平台的基本思想是拥有一个经过验证的黄金模型,并且始终为给定的一组输入输出正确的值。虽然可以通过多种方式构建黄金模型,但我最喜欢的一直是 python,因为它易于使用,并且为数学计算领域的任何事物提供了强大的库集。Python 让您的生活更轻松,尤其是当您的任务涉及与算法相关的 DSP 时,这些算法很容易使用软件。


下面代码将生成随机浮点数据,我们可以将其传递给我们的 Verilog 模块,并将其结果与此 python 代码本身的结果进行比较。 truncate 将number(1.234545…)截取指定小数位return 1.23

import numpy as np 
import subprocess
import os
import math

#Function to truncate (not round) any floating point number to two decimal places
def truncate(number, digits) -> float:
    stepper = 10.0 ** digits
    return math.trunc(stepper * number) / stepper

NoT = 10 # Number of tests to be run

for i in range(NoT):
    #choosing the values of a,b,c randomly
    a = np.random.uniform(-1,1,1)[0]
    b = np.random.uniform(-1,1,1)[0]
    c = np.random.uniform(-1,1,1)[0]
	#performs the MAC (Multiply and Add) operation
    p_golden = a*b + c
    #truncating to two decimal places because the value generated by our hardware will never be the
    #exact same owing to the precision loss due to fixed point representation. 
	p_golden_trunc = truncate(p_golden,2)


//file: qmult.v
// (Q,N) = (12,16) => 1 sign-bit + 3 integer-bits + 12 fractional-bits = 16 total-bits
//                    |S|III|FFFFFFFFFFFF|
// The same thing in A(I,F) format would be A(3,12)
module qmult #(
	//Parameterized values
	parameter N = 16,
	parameter Q = 12
	 input                  clk,
	 input                  rst,
	 input			[N-1:0]	a,
	 input			[N-1:0]	b,
	 output         [N-1:0] q_result,    //output quantized to same number of bits as the input
     output			overflow             //signal to indicate output greater than the range of our format
	 //	The underlying assumption, here, is that both fixed-point values are of the same length (N,Q)
	 //	Because of this, the results will be of length N+N = 2N bits
	 //	This also simplifies the hand-back of results, as the binimal point 
	 //	will always be in the same location
	wire [2*N-1:0]	f_result;		//	Multiplication by 2 values of N bits requires a 
									//	register that is N+N = 2N deep
	wire [N-1:0]   multiplicand;
	wire [N-1:0]	multiplier;
	wire [N-1:0]    a_2cmp, b_2cmp;
	wire [N-2:0]    quantized_result,quantized_result_2cmp;
	assign a_2cmp = {~a[N-1],~a[N-2:0]+ 1'b1};  //2's complement of a {(N-1){1'b1}} - 
	assign b_2cmp = {~b[N-1],~b[N-2:0]+ 1'b1};  //2's complement of b  {(N-1){1'b1}} - 
    assign multiplicand = (a[N-1]) ? a_2cmp : a;              
    assign multiplier   = (b[N-1]) ? b_2cmp : b;
    //We remove the sign bit for multiplication
    assign f_result = multiplicand[N-2:0] * multiplier[N-2:0];  
    //Sign bit of output would be XOR or input sign bits                                             
    assign q_result[N-1] = a[N-1]^b[N-1];             
    //Quantization of output to required number of bits                                               
    assign quantized_result = f_result[N-2+Q:Q];              
    //2's complement of quantized_result                                                             
    assign quantized_result_2cmp = ~quantized_result[N-2:0] + 1'b1;  
     //If the result is negative, we return a 2's complement representation of the output value
    assign q_result[N-2:0] = (a[N-1]^b[N-1]) ? quantized_result_2cmp : quantized_result; 
    assign overflow = (f_result[2*N-2:N-1+Q] > 0) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;

//file: qadd.v
module qadd #(
	parameter N = 16,
	parameter Q = 12
    input [N-1:0] a,
    input [N-1:0] b,
    output [N-1:0] c

// (Q,N) = (12,16) => 1 sign-bit + 3 integer-bits + 12 fractional-bits = 16 total-bits
//                    |S|III|FFFFFFFFFFFF|
// The same thing in A(I,F) format would be A(3,12)

//Since we supply every negative number in it's 2's complement form by default, all we 
//need to do is add these two numbers together (note that to subtract a binary number 
//is the same as to add its two's complement)
assign c = a + b;

//If for whatever reason your system (the software/testbench feeding this hadrware with 
//inputs) does not supply negative numbers in their two's complement form,(some people 
//prefer to keep the magnitude as it is and make the sign bit '1' to represent negatives)
// then you should take a look at the fixed point arithmetic modules at opencores linked 
//above this code.



a = 0000000111100001 = 0.11748478081607838
b = 1111111111111110 = -0.0005302183628016488  //对于接近于0的数
c = 1111101101111001 = -0.283025178155329
p_golden = -0.28 //软件仿真
p_practical = 7.71 //硬件实现
abs_diff = 7.43               


assign quantized_result = f_result[N-2+Q:Q];


  • 增加用于表示数字小数部分的位数。但这会减少可用于表示整数部分的位数,使最大数字小于当前值 2。
  • 增加用于表示定点数的总位数(使用 32 而不是 16)。例如,当我将 N 更改为 32 并将 Q 更改为 26 时,会解决该问题



软件实现:真正的(16bit)x*y =00000000001001100011111111110100


N=16,Q=8(小数位),7bit整数 绝大部分数在0-8之间。

结果14.92 vs 14.94 误差在0.01

N=16,Q=9(小数位),6bit整数 绝大部分数在0-8之间。

加法:c = a+b

N=16,Q=9(小数位),6bit整数 绝大部分数在卷积输出值在0-8之间,也就是说 九个数相乘求和一般不会超出8.





1、校验vivado中输出file文件和 python测试的结果是否正确、误差大小




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