在图形学中,在做平移,旋转和缩放时,经常会用到矩阵,有缩放矩阵、平移矩阵和旋转矩阵。在三维空间中,变换矩阵都是一个四维矩阵,每一行分别表示x, y, z, w。
1. 缩放矩阵(scale)
上面的公式,左边的第一个操作数(四维矩阵)就是一个缩放矩阵,s1表示x轴的缩放倍数,s2表示y轴的缩放倍数,s3表示z轴的缩放倍数。第二个操作数表示空间中(x, y, z)点, w分量在缩放矩阵中没有用到,我们将其设为1。由右边的结果,可以看出(x, y, z)点经过缩放矩阵变换后,x、y、z分量都各自缩放了s(s1、s2、s3)倍。需要注意的是矩阵的乘法不具有交换律,这里点是用一维列矩阵表示的,作为矩阵乘法的右操作数。如果将其转换到乘法的左边,那么点应该用一维行矩阵表示:
来自牛津大学、FAIR、Facebook 和密歇根大学的研究者提出了一种单一图像视图合成方法,允许从单一输入图像生成新的场景视图。它被训练在真实的图像上,没有使用任何真实的 3D 信息;引入了一种新的可微点云渲染器,用于将潜在的 3D 点云特征转换为目标视图;细化网络对投影特征进行解码,插入缺失区域,生成逼真的输出图像;生成模型内部的 3D 组件允许在测试时对潜在特征空间进行可解释的操作,例如,可以从单个图像动画轨迹。与以前的工作不同,SynSin 可以生成高分辨率的图像,并推广到其他输入分辨率,在 Matterport、Replica 和 RealEstate10K 数据集上超越基线和前期工作。
1) Like NeRF, our rendering time is slow, and in fact, our runtime increases linearly when given more input views. Further, some methods (e.g. [28, 21]) can recover a mesh from the image enabling fast rendering and manipulation afterwards, while NeRF based representations cannot be converted to meshes very reliably. Improving NeRF’s efficiency is an important re-search question that can enable real-time applications.
2) As in the vanilla NeRF, we manually tune ray sampling bounds tn,tf and a scale for the positional encoding. Making NeRF-related methods scale-invariant is a crucial challenge. 3) While we have demonstrated our method on real data from the DTU dataset, we acknowledge that this dataset was captured under controlled settings and has matching camera poses across all scenes with limited viewpoints. Ultimately,our approach is bottlenecked by the availability of largescale wide baseline multi-view datasets, limiting the applicability to datasets such as ShapeNet and DTU. Learning a general prior for 360◦ scenes in-the-wild is an exciting direction for future work
【1】Ben Mildenhall, Pratul P. Srinivasan, Matthew Tancik,Jonathan T. Barron, Ravi Ramamoorthi, and Ren Ng. Nerf: Representing scenes as neural radiance fields for view synthesis. In Eur. Conf. Comput. Vis., 2020
【2】Daeyun Shin, Charless Fowlkes, and Derek Hoiem. Pixels, voxels, and views: A study of shape representations for single view 3d object shape prediction. In IEEE Conf. Comput.Vis. Pattern Recog., 2018.
结合了NeRF和Multiplane Image(MPI),提出了一种新的三维空间表达方式MINE。MINE利用了NeRF的思路,将MPI扩展成了连续深度的形式。输入单张RGB图片,我们的方法会对source相机的视锥(frustum)做稠密的三维重建,同时对被遮挡的部分做inpainting,预测出相机视锥的三维表达。利用这个三维表达,给出target相机相对于source相机的在三维空间中的相对位置和角度变化(rotation and translation),我们可以方便且高效地渲染出在目标相机视图下的RGB图片以及深度图。
[1]. Tinghui Zhou, Richard Tucker, John Flynn, Graham Fyffe, Noah Snavely. Stereo Magnification: Learning View Synthesis using Multiplane Images. (SIGGRAPH 2018)
[2]. Ben Mildenhall, Pratul P. Srinivasan, Rodrigo Ortiz-Cayon, Nima Khademi Kalantari, Ravi Ramamoorthi, Ren Ng, Abhishek Kar. Local Light Field Fusion: Practical View Synthesis with Prescriptive Sampling Guidelines. (SIGGRAPH 2019)
[3]. Richard Tucker, Noah Snavely. Single-View View Synthesis with Multiplane Images. (CVPR 2020)
# 类的定义
class Embedding(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, in_channels, N_freqs, logscale=True):
Defines a function that embeds x to (x, sin(2^k x), cos(2^k x), ...)
in_channels: number of input channels (3 for both xyz and direction)
super(Embedding, self).__init__()
self.N_freqs = N_freqs
self.in_channels = in_channels
self.funcs = [torch.sin, torch.cos]
self.out_channels = in_channels*(len(self.funcs)*N_freqs+1)
if logscale:
self.freq_bands = 2**torch.linspace(0, N_freqs-1, N_freqs)
self.freq_bands = torch.linspace(1, 2**(N_freqs-1), N_freqs)
def forward(self, x):
Embeds x to (x, sin(2^k x), cos(2^k x), ...)
Different from the paper, "x" is also in the output
See https://github.com/bmild/nerf/issues/12
x: (B, self.in_channels)
out: (B, self.out_channels)
out = [x]
for freq in self.freq_bands:
for func in self.funcs:
out += [func(freq*x)]
return torch.cat(out, -1)
# 使用
class NeRFSystem(LightningModule):
def __init__(self, hparams):
self.embedding_xyz = Embedding(3, 10) # 10 is the default number
self.embedding_dir = Embedding(3, 4) # 4 is the default number
self.embeddings = [self.embedding_xyz, self.embedding_dir]
对于位置坐标 (x,y,z), 每一个值都使用 10 个 sin 和 10 个cos 频率进行拓展。例如 Embeds x to (x, sin (2^k x), cos (2^k x), …) 。再连接一个本身。因此每一个值都拓展为 10+10+1=21维。对于位置坐标的三个值,总共有 3×21=63 维。
class NeRF(nn.Module):
def __init__(self,
D=8, W=256,
in_channels_xyz=63, in_channels_dir=27,
D: number of layers for density (sigma) encoder
W: number of hidden units in each layer
in_channels_xyz: number of input channels for xyz (3+3*10*2=63 by default)
in_channels_dir: number of input channels for direction (3+3*4*2=27 by default)
skips: add skip connection in the Dth layer
super(NeRF, self).__init__()
self.D = D
self.W = W
self.in_channels_xyz = in_channels_xyz
self.in_channels_dir = in_channels_dir
self.skips = skips
# xyz encoding layers
for i in range(D):
if i == 0:
layer = nn.Linear(in_channels_xyz, W)
elif i in skips:
layer = nn.Linear(W+in_channels_xyz, W)
layer = nn.Linear(W, W)
layer = nn.Sequential(layer, nn.ReLU(True))
setattr(self, f"xyz_encoding_{i+1}", layer)
self.xyz_encoding_final = nn.Linear(W, W)
# direction encoding layers
self.dir_encoding = nn.Sequential(
nn.Linear(W+in_channels_dir, W//2),
# output layers
self.sigma = nn.Linear(W, 1)
self.rgb = nn.Sequential(
nn.Linear(W//2, 3),
def forward(self, x, sigma_only=False):
Encodes input (xyz+dir) to rgb+sigma (not ready to render yet).
For rendering this ray, please see rendering.py
x: (B, self.in_channels_xyz(+self.in_channels_dir))
the embedded vector of position and direction
sigma_only: whether to infer sigma only. If True,
x is of shape (B, self.in_channels_xyz)
if sigma_ony:
sigma: (B, 1) sigma
out: (B, 4), rgb and sigma
if not sigma_only:
input_xyz, input_dir = \
torch.split(x, [self.in_channels_xyz, self.in_channels_dir], dim=-1)
input_xyz = x
xyz_ = input_xyz
for i in range(self.D):
if i in self.skips:
xyz_ = torch.cat([input_xyz, xyz_], -1)
xyz_ = getattr(self, f"xyz_encoding_{i+1}")(xyz_)
sigma = self.sigma(xyz_)
if sigma_only:
return sigma
xyz_encoding_final = self.xyz_encoding_final(xyz_)
dir_encoding_input = torch.cat([xyz_encoding_final, input_dir], -1)
dir_encoding = self.dir_encoding(dir_encoding_input)
rgb = self.rgb(dir_encoding)
out = torch.cat([rgb, sigma], -1)
return out
# z_vals: (N_rays, N_samples_) depths of the sampled positions
# noise_std: factor to perturb the model's prediction of sigma(提升模型鲁棒性??)
# Convert these values using volume rendering (Section 4)
deltas = z_vals[:, 1:] - z_vals[:, :-1] # (N_rays, N_samples_-1)
delta_inf = 1e10 * torch.ones_like(deltas[:, :1]) # (N_rays, 1) the last delta is infinity
deltas = torch.cat([deltas, delta_inf], -1) # (N_rays, N_samples_)
# Multiply each distance by the norm of its corresponding direction ray
# to convert to real world distance (accounts for non-unit directions).
deltas = deltas * torch.norm(dir_.unsqueeze(1), dim=-1)
noise = torch.randn(sigmas.shape, device=sigmas.device) * noise_std
# compute alpha by the formula (3)
alphas = 1-torch.exp(-deltas*torch.relu(sigmas+noise)) # (N_rays, N_samples_)
alphas_shifted = \
torch.cat([torch.ones_like(alphas[:, :1]), 1-alphas+1e-10], -1) # [1, a1, a2, ...]
weights = \
alphas * torch.cumprod(alphas_shifted, -1)[:, :-1] # (N_rays, N_samples_)
weights_sum = weights.sum(1) # (N_rays), the accumulated opacity along the rays
# equals "1 - (1-a1)(1-a2)...(1-an)" mathematically
if weights_only:
return weights
# compute final weighted outputs
rgb_final = torch.sum(weights.unsqueeze(-1)*rgbs, -2) # (N_rays, 3)
depth_final = torch.sum(weights*z_vals, -1) # (N_rays)
对于渲染的结果,会根据 对应的权重,使用 pdf 抽样,得到新的渲染点。例如默认第一轮粗渲染每束光线是 64 个样本点,第二轮再增加 128 个抽样点。
然后使用 finemodel 进行预测,后对所有的样本点(64+128)进行体素渲染。
def sample_pdf(bins, weights, N_importance, det=False, eps=1e-5):
Sample @N_importance samples from @bins with distribution defined by @weights.
bins: (N_rays, N_samples_+1) where N_samples_ is "the number of coarse samples per ray - 2"
weights: (N_rays, N_samples_)
N_importance: the number of samples to draw from the distribution
det: deterministic or not
eps: a small number to prevent division by zero
samples: the sampled samples
N_rays, N_samples_ = weights.shape
weights = weights + eps # prevent division by zero (don't do inplace op!)
pdf = weights / torch.sum(weights, -1, keepdim=True) # (N_rays, N_samples_)
cdf = torch.cumsum(pdf, -1) # (N_rays, N_samples), cumulative distribution function
cdf = torch.cat([torch.zeros_like(cdf[: ,:1]), cdf], -1) # (N_rays, N_samples_+1)
# padded to 0~1 inclusive
if det:
u = torch.linspace(0, 1, N_importance, device=bins.device)
u = u.expand(N_rays, N_importance)
u = torch.rand(N_rays, N_importance, device=bins.device)
u = u.contiguous()
inds = searchsorted(cdf, u, side='right')
below = torch.clamp_min(inds-1, 0)
above = torch.clamp_max(inds, N_samples_)
inds_sampled = torch.stack([below, above], -1).view(N_rays, 2*N_importance)
cdf_g = torch.gather(cdf, 1, inds_sampled).view(N_rays, N_importance, 2)
bins_g = torch.gather(bins, 1, inds_sampled).view(N_rays, N_importance, 2)
denom = cdf_g[...,1]-cdf_g[...,0]
denom[denom<eps] = 1 # denom equals 0 means a bin has weight 0, in which case it will not be sampled
# anyway, therefore any value for it is fine (set to 1 here)
samples = bins_g[...,0] + (u-cdf_g[...,0])/denom * (bins_g[...,1]-bins_g[...,0])
return samples
这里直接使用的 MSE loss,对输出的像素值和 ground truth 计算 L2-norm loss.
拍摄角度信息(从 COLMAP 生成):Nimg×17。前 15 维可以变形为 3×5,代表了相机的 pose,后 2 维是最近和最远的深度。解释: 3×5 pose matrices and 2 depth bounds for each image. Each pose has [R T] as the left 3×4 matrix and [H W F] as the right 3×1 matrix. R matrix is in the form [down right back] instead of [right up back] . (https://github.com/bmild/nerf/issues/34)
# "datasets/llff.py", line:188
# Step 1: rescale focal length according to training resolution
H, W, self.focal = poses[0, :, -1] # original intrinsics, same for all images
assert H*self.img_wh[0] == W*self.img_wh[1], \
f'You must set @img_wh to have the same aspect ratio as ({W}, {H}) !'
self.focal *= self.img_wh[0]/W
第二步:调整 pose 的方向。在 “poses_bounds.npy” 中,pose 的方向是 “下右后”,我们调整到 “右上后”。同时使用 “center_poses(poses)” 函数,对整个 dataset 的坐标轴进行标准化(??)。 解释:“poses_avg computes a “central” pose for the dataset, based on using the mean translation, the mean z axis, and adopting the mean y axis as an “up” direction (so that Up x Z = X and then Z x X = Y). recenter_poses very simply applies the inverse of this average pose to the dataset (a rigid rotation/translation) so that the identity extrinsic matrix is looking at the scene, which is nice because normalizes the orientation of the scene for later rendering from the learned NeRF. This is also important for using NDC (Normalized device coordinates) coordinates, since we assume the scene is centered there too.”(https://github.com/bmild/nerf/issues/34)
# "datasets/llff.py", line:195
# Step 2: correct poses
# Original poses has rotation in form "down right back", change to "right up back"
# See https://github.com/bmild/nerf/issues/34
poses = np.concatenate([poses[..., 1:2], -poses[..., :1], poses[..., 2:4]], -1)
# (N_images, 3, 4) exclude H, W, focal
self.poses, self.pose_avg = center_poses(poses)
第三步:令最近的距离约为 1。 解释:“The NDC code takes in a “near” bound and assumes the far bound is infinity (this doesn’t matter too much since NDC space samples in 1/depth so moving from “far” to infinity is only slightly less sample-efficient). You can see here that the “near” bound is hardcoded to 1”。For more details on how to use NDC space see https://github.com/bmild/nerf/files/4451808/ndc_derivation.pdf
# "datasets/llff.py", line:205# Step 3: correct scale so that the nearest depth is at a little more than 1.0# See https://github.com/bmild/nerf/issues/34 near_original = self.bounds.min() scale_factor = near_original*0.75 # 0.75 is the default parameter# the nearest depth is at 1/0.75=1.33 self.bounds /= scale_factor self.poses[..., 3] /= scale_factor
def get_ray_directions(H, W, focal):
Get ray directions for all pixels in camera coordinate.
Reference: https://www.scratchapixel.com/lessons/3d-basic-rendering/
H, W, focal: image height, width and focal length
directions: (H, W, 3), the direction of the rays in camera coordinate
grid = create_meshgrid(H, W, normalized_coordinates=False)[0]
i, j = grid.unbind(-1)
# the direction here is without +0.5 pixel centering as calibration is not so accurate
# see https://github.com/bmild/nerf/issues/24
directions = \
torch.stack([(i-W/2)/focal, -(j-H/2)/focal, -torch.ones_like(i)], -1) # (H, W, 3)
return directions
Get ray origin and normalized directions in world coordinate for all pixels in one image. Reference: https://www.scratchapixel.com/lessons/3d-basic-rendering/ray-tracing-generating-camera-rays/standard-coordinate-systems
图像上每一点所对应的光线角度:(H, W, 3) precomputed ray directions in camera coordinate。 相机映射矩阵 c2w:(3, 4) transformation matrix from camera coordinate to world coordinate 输出:
光线原点在世界坐标系中的坐标:(HW, 3), the origin of the rays in world coordinate 在世界坐标系中,归一化的光线角度:(HW, 3), the normalized direction of the rays in world
def get_rays(directions, c2w):
Get ray origin and normalized directions in world coordinate for all pixels in one image.
Reference: https://www.scratchapixel.com/lessons/3d-basic-rendering/
directions: (H, W, 3) precomputed ray directions in camera coordinate
c2w: (3, 4) transformation matrix from camera coordinate to world coordinate
rays_o: (H*W, 3), the origin of the rays in world coordinate
rays_d: (H*W, 3), the normalized direction of the rays in world coordinate
# Rotate ray directions from camera coordinate to the world coordinate
rays_d = directions @ c2w[:, :3].T # (H, W, 3)
rays_d = rays_d / torch.norm(rays_d, dim=-1, keepdim=True)
# The origin of all rays is the camera origin in world coordinate
rays_o = c2w[:, 3].expand(rays_d.shape) # (H, W, 3)
rays_d = rays_d.view(-1, 3)
rays_o = rays_o.view(-1, 3)
return rays_o, rays_d
NDC 下的光线
NDC (Normalized device coordinates) 归一化的设备坐标系。
near, far = 0, 1
def get_ndc_rays(H, W, focal, near, rays_o, rays_d):
Transform rays from world coordinate to NDC.
NDC: Space such that the canvas is a cube with sides [-1, 1] in each axis.
For detailed derivation, please see:
In practice, use NDC "if and only if" the scene is unbounded (has a large depth).
See https://github.com/bmild/nerf/issues/18
H, W, focal: image height, width and focal length
near: (N_rays) or float, the depths of the near plane
rays_o: (N_rays, 3), the origin of the rays in world coordinate
rays_d: (N_rays, 3), the direction of the rays in world coordinate
rays_o: (N_rays, 3), the origin of the rays in NDC
rays_d: (N_rays, 3), the direction of the rays in NDC
# Shift ray origins to near plane
t = -(near + rays_o[...,2]) / rays_d[...,2]
rays_o = rays_o + t[...,None] * rays_d
# Store some intermediate homogeneous results
ox_oz = rays_o[...,0] / rays_o[...,2]
oy_oz = rays_o[...,1] / rays_o[...,2]
# Projection
o0 = -1./(W/(2.*focal)) * ox_oz
o1 = -1./(H/(2.*focal)) * oy_oz
o2 = 1. + 2. * near / rays_o[...,2]
d0 = -1./(W/(2.*focal)) * (rays_d[...,0]/rays_d[...,2] - ox_oz)
d1 = -1./(H/(2.*focal)) * (rays_d[...,1]/rays_d[...,2] - oy_oz)
d2 = 1 - o2
rays_o = torch.stack([o0, o1, o2], -1) # (B, 3)
rays_d = torch.stack([d0, d1, d2], -1) # (B, 3)
return rays_o, rays_d